Cut through the noise and net your seafood operation maximum returns
It’s always smooth sailing for DynamicsFood ERP, with special seafood-only market functions and inventory optimization across every customer in every port.
Take full advantage of EDI to send and receive orders and shipping notices
Ensure full traceability with Quality testing and status
Use Handheld Scanning technology to keep products moving efficiently and avoid shipping and inventory mistakes that can lead to spoilage or customer complaints
Integrate purchasing and sales, CRM and financials in one place with instant insights into cash flow
Use catch weight to convert weighted inventory to fixed or variable price per piece inventory, and reconcile any variations, including analysis of cut and weight loss
Using DynamicsFoodERP Food Manufacturing and Distribution Software’s Scale Connection, you can automatically enter weight in to inventory direct from scales, saving time and reducing errors
Integrate product specifications from catch and production to packaging and labeling
Manage recipes for all products and customers in one place.